Future quest  Litepaper 

Future quest Litepaper


We launch right at convergence of three mega-trends.

Planet threatening changes are accelerating and not enough is (yet) being done to avert a global climate disaster. Average temperature, Greenhouse Gas Emissions (PPM), Land Ice Melt, and Climate anxiety are all reaching all-time highs. With just several years to act, the urgency is higher than ever, and the stakes affect our entire civilization.

Web3 adoption is reaching its own all-time highs and is adopting at a rate similar, if not higher than the internet. There are already over 80% more wallets than in 2021 and a 250% increase since 2018. NFTs spiked 21,000% to over $17 billion in 2021.

There is an avalanche of funding coming and large funds and grant-making institutions are seeking ways to effectively and transparently deploy funds for climate action. We are in conversation with multliple partners including Breakthrough Energy, We Mean Business Coalition, BMW Foundation, UNFCCC, OneForClimate/Galaxy Gives for a collective opportunity to distribute 9 figures in funds.

Multiple studies show that accelerating climate mobilizers and young entrepreneurs can be 100x more effective than average climate credits.

Historically, tech adoption has been far more rapid than solutionism and public sector changes.

It is time to harness the power of web3 to help fix the climate.


Future Quest is the first web3 planet saving ecosystem. 

Community, Accelerator & Fund. 

10+ year roadmap. 

DAO Functions

The Future Quest DAO has three functions:

I. Global Impact Community

We created Future Horizon — a thriving global IRL impact community, made up of influential change makers.

Starting in 2020, we’ve had 3 main gatherings so far, helped raise $200M+ for incubated/supported organizations, gathered 250 members including Environmentalists, Entrepreneurs, Artists, Futurists, Indigenous Leaders, Billionaires and Investors.

We will now mindfully expand to create a broader, highly engaged online community, with exclusive gatherings, brightest minds in the space, experts, and investors.

Join Discord to say Hi.

II. Incentivized Contribution Platform

Decentralized incubation & acceleration of high impact organizations through a tokenized reward model (Quests).

Quests are like bounties. Community members can create new and support active Quests, which can be anywhere between small tasks or large projects.

Example Quest types:

  • Project
  • Start-up
  • Non-profit
  • Campaign
  • Eexpedition

Members are rewarded for their participation in quests with $QUEST token and Merit score. We are working with partners from organizations such as Project Drawdown to create an assessment framework for impact of our quests.

Targeted Impact Platform & Investment Vehicle
Theory of change featured image content

III. Transparent Impact Fund

We crafted a unique investment theory and model. The DAO itself will operate as a non-profit.

Funds in the treasury come from:

  • Token sales
  • CSR
  • Larger donations from partner funds
  • Possibly smaller donations
  • Grants
  • Revenue from DAO activities, NFT sales, products, platform etc.

The treasury funds are deployed in roughly the following split (exact figures TBC):

  • 20% non-profit grants
  • 30% investment for equity in start-ups
  • 30% investment for token in web3 start-ups
  • 20% varied token investments

Upside from investments goes back into the treasury (there is no carry to investors, their profit comes from token value increase). The treasury has then more assets to further its mission and the cycle repeats for maximized impact on climate. The treasury backs the value of the $QUEST token.

Our deal flow will also include organizations in alignment with our Theory of Change

Learn more about our Investment Theory.

Launch Strategy

The launch strategy execution is estimated for 24 months, beginning with the inception in March 2022.


We launch right at convergence of three mega-trends.

“The next 1,000 unicorns — companies that have a market valuation over a billion dollars — won’t be a search engine, won’t be a media company, they’ll be businesses developing green [climate tech].”
— Larry Fink, the CEO and Chairman of Blackrock

Our focus resides at a crossroads of several converging trends (web3, private climate investing, public adoption of man-made climate change theory, large funds committing to ESG, lower end of the broader cryptocurrency cycle). Our research indicates the timing could not be better.

Recent advancements show that the power of a community can be harnessed to raise unprecedented amounts of funds (Yuga, PROOF, Nouns etc.) while offering co-ownership and rewards to the community itself.

Web3-powered companies and technologies and the nascent and fast-growing “ReFi” (Regenerative Finance) sector can rapidly scale to power previously impossible shifts in industries while creating a high amount of value for their investors and communities.

Our opportunity is to connect these emerging threads to build a large-scale building block of a solution to the global climate crisis.

Our Team

We launch right at convergence of three mega-trends.

We helped launch projects in climate, deep tech, and blockchain. We have experience in thriving online communities.

These include Ethereum DAO (the DAO), Bancor, Bored Ape Yacht Club, GreenTechAlliance, Coindesk, FriendsWithBenefits, PROOF Collective, Crypto Kitties, PlanA, Tesla, Toucan, OneForDemocracy / DefeatByTweet.

Our launch partner companies including HOO KOO E KOO and OpenTelos who are well-versed in platform design, game design, web3 and future-thinking, giving us an unfair advantage.

Our advisors span from the founder of Tetris, to Project Drawdown, to NFT whales, to climate change experts.

the f key

We launch right at convergence of three mega-trends.

The F Key is the symbol of our community since its origin.

It represents the infinite timelines that branch out from every moment. There are countless options, and one optimal path.

We make decisions every moment. Thousands of them each day. These decisions ultimately shape our individual paths forward, collectively shaping our entire world and future.

If we can make better decisions as a global community, we will not only survive — we will thrive. The F Key is our reminder of this collaborative mission to deliberately choose the best path forward in every moment.

You create a good future by creating a good present.
- Eckhart Tolle

The F Key has been gifted to attendees of our gatherings as a necklace. Rumor has it, the Vanguards may open a portal that gives the key a whole new meaning — for everyone in our community. Keep an ear out…

join us

join the community

Luckily, its not too late. 

save 8 million species
What is our mission?

Help our civilization become sustainable through accelerating and funding numerous highly-vetted impact Quests and empowering those who support them.

How can I join?

The best way to stay informed on the developments is to join our discord here.

The best way to become a part of the community is to buy a Vanguard NFT or attend Future Horizon, our IRL gathering - and stay tuned as some special drops will follow.

Here are some ideas for contribution:

  • Community Member
    • Join a vibrant, active, forward-thinking community of change makers.
  • Quest Leader
    • Organize your project within our community. Get others to help you make a big difference. Token rewards available.
  • Advisor
    • Help us shape the highest impact initiative web3 has seen. Token rewards available.
  • Communicator
    • Help us spread the word as a partner or influencer. Token rewards and airdrops available.
  • Community Manager
    • Help moderate and engage our community. Token rewards available.
  • Project Manager
    • Help keep Quests on track. You’ll be piloting the role of an “oracle” - a project manager in a decentralized mesh.
  • Moderator
    • Help scale our Discord as a means to make engagement and community accessible and safe. Rewards available. Values alignment and knowledge of subject matter necessary.
  • Partner
    • Our eco-system is only as good as our partnerships. We love to brainstorm.
  • ???
    • If you have additional ideas and want to contribute we are always open to saving the planet collaboratively!
When is the Vanguard minting?

We being with the mighty Dragon of Regen NFT this summer. 5,555 series will be minted for free.

The Dragon will be followed by 98 unique Vanguard species, sold OTC to selected members (contact us) and then in public auction starting Q3 or Q4 2022.

Are the Vanguards a Security?

Vanguards have not been approved or disapproved by the US Securities and Exchange Commission, any state by securities commission in the Unites States, or by any other global regulatory authority.

By design, Vanguards are a Utility NFT. It is your entry into an elite group of members all ready to help save the world.

How many Vanguards are there?

As the most powerful protectors of the Vanguards there will be a limited supply of 99. After initial pre-sale only one new member will be welcomed, per week.

However we will also offer ways to get involved in our NFTs for much wider part of our community. Some surprises to come.

What is a Quest?

Our mission is to empower people to launch and support for-profit and non-profit solutions, which we call “master quests”. Within these, various tasks can be performed, we call these “quests”. Each quest has a bounty — in other words, offers a reward for completing it.

Proposed quest types:

  • Project
  • Campaign
  • Startup
  • Non-profit
  • Task
  • Game
  • Event
  • and more...

Ultimately the Future Quest community will drive the types and structure of Quests.

Our community’s first experimental Quests are already live. We don’t yet have the full platform, but the community is already making a difference!

What is the 10x10?

Once we finalize initial setup of the structure and first steps of the fundraise, we will launch the 10x10 program. Future Quest will fund, accelerate and/or incubate one selected “Master Quest” per month over the course of 10 months. This enables fine tuning of the overall process and provide insights to augment the platform to meet our impact goals.

The 10x10 program will include non-profit, web3 for-profit and traditional for-profit organizations.

Who is involved already?

We have a stellar list of partners, please see our website and our Twitter for any announcements.

Can I join if I'm not focused on Climate?

Yes absolutely. We are building a global community of friends making a difference, if you feel right among us, you’re probably one of us. And there’s much more to our Theory of Change than just direct climate work.

Best to meet our community on Discord.

How can I invest?

We will have several opportunities to get involved. The earlier, the higher the token multiplier offered. If interested, please add your information here and we’ll be happy to share more details and meet to discuss.

But doesn’t Blockchain contribute to climate change?

Blockchain technology can require immense amounts of energy, which can contribute to emissions of CO2 and other greenhouse gasses, since most of energy grids are still powered by fossil fuels.

However — there are numerous ways to mitigate this problem, from using energy-efficient chains to leveraging effective offsetting.

Since Future Quest DAO exists to help solve the climate change crisis, we commit to carbon-negative operations across our organization.

We are in conversations with several potential technology platforms, and will soon determine the exact chain we will use to build the DAO and run its operations.

We are also working closely with partners in the space (PlanA, TrueCarbon, Toucan, and more) to determine the most effective approaches to offsetting.

Other questions

You can find more information in these resources: